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The EcoMagic Kingdom

Explore math in different ways

The Ecomagic Kingdom

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom called Ecomagic. The inhabitants of this magical kingdom cared a lot about the environment and looked for magical ways to protect it. At the heart of Eco, there was a basketball court where the youth of the kingdom used to gather to play. One day, a magician created a basketball court and used his magic power to draw a baseline on the court, creating a linear function. But instead of using environmentally harmful paint, the magician used fairy dust that vanished without a trace. The court remained beautiful and sustainable. As Halloween night came, the main hall of the castle was preparing for a magical party. The wizards and witches of the kingdom used their magic to create amazing decorations. They used a parabolic function to conjure floating arches and garlands that filled the room with a magical and sustainable atmosphere. All were made from recycled materials and renewable magical energy. During the Christmas season, the kingdom's infirmary became a place full of joy and hope. Magical healers used an absolute value function to create a magical drawing of a beautiful Christmas tree on the wall. Each branch and leaf on the tree was made from recycled materials and glowed with energy-efficient magical lights. The tree emitted magical energy that healed and revitalized everyone. Then on Christmas, the kingdom was preparing for the easter season, but a mad monster appeared and said he would cancel all the festivities forever. At that moment a brave monkey appeared and asked the monster if they could make a competition. The monster accepted and knowing that he was a math expert he proposed to the monkey that if he found the quadratic equation of the Halloween floating arche, the linear equation of the magic court, and the absolute value equation of the healing Christmas tree, he would let to make the festivities forever. The monkey accepted the mission but he was bad at math. So, can we help the monkey?
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